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Lay your cones out inside the playing area and divide the Auskickers into two teams.
The first team stands inside the square playing area, each holding a football.
The second team stands around the outside the square.
When the coach says “go”, players on the inside of the square handball to a player on the outside, then run out of the square waiting to receive a different football.
Once the outside-player receives the football, they run into the square, then handball back out.
Repeat and have fun!
Try having Auskickers inside the square place their ball on the ground, then run and gather a different football before handballing to the outside.
Players on the outside of the square can start with the ball. They handball to players on the inside, who take the mark and run to the outside. Now it’s their turn to handball back in.
Try taking a bounce before handballing, or including a defender within the playing area.
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
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Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST