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Spread Auskickers out over the playing area.
Two Auskickers wear a bib: they’re the “Taggers”.
Two other Auskickers have a footy: they’re the “Handball Magicians”.
Spread the Auskickers across the playing area.
The bibbed taggers chase anyone without a ball and tag them with their hand.
When an Auskicker gets tagged, they freeze with hands in the air. They are to call out to a Handball Magician. Once the Handball Magician sees their hands in the air - as a signal for help - they must come to free them.
Auskickers become “unfrozen” when the Handball Magician handballs to the frozen player who must mark and then handball back to the Magician.
Both can now keep playing.
To keep everyone involved, change Taggers and Handball Magicians regularly.
Change how feet get unfrozen. Rather than a handball, it might be with a kick, or by the magician crawling through legs.
Change the rules so that the frozen Auskicker becomes the Handball Magician once they’re freed.
Change how the Auskickers move around. For example, rather than running they try hopping, jumping or crawling!
For even more challenges, get groups to bounce or touch the football on the ground every few steps or get them to handball with their other hand.
Encourage Auskickers to use their voice to call for help and that keeping their hands up also lets the Handball Magician know they need to be freed.
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
(1800 7529 235)
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST