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For every group of three, place down three cones kicking distance apart to make a triangle.
Send an Auskicker to each cone, and give one the footy.
Keep a fourth cone up your sleeve, as you’ll turn the triangle into a square later on.
Players kick the ball to each other around the triangle. After a while, switch direction and keep practising.
Once the players get the hang of it, add the fourth cone to make a square.
A player without the ball runs to the vacant cone to receive the kick.
Then another player runs to the new vacant cone to receive the next kick.
Try having players practise ‘pushing back off the mark’ after they’ve caught the ball. That means stepping back a few metres from where they marked the ball before taking their kick.
Speed up the game by having players “play on” and kick quickly after they mark the ball.
Players can try using their opposite foot.
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
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