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Lay out the cones in a straight line, a couple of steps from the goal posts.
The Auskickers stand by the cones in pairs.
An adult holding a footy stands half-way between their pair and the goals.
On ‘Go’ adults throw the footy to one of their Auskickers, who catches it and handballs it back to the adult. The other Auskicker has a turn.
Give tips on marking, for example, “hug the ball to your chest”.
Once a few handballs, kick for goal over the adults (“Giants”)!
For younger Auskickers who might find it hard, they can walk or run around the Giant before kicking at goal.
After a few minutes of goal kicking, give some tips and the Auskickers get free shots at goal!
Add a run-up or bounce before a kick for goal.
You can also make it harder by having the Giants try and do a tiny bit of defending!
Experiment with different balls.
Encourage everyone to have fun and keep practising their kicks so that they clear those pesky Giants... Even the short ones!
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
(1800 7529 235)
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST