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(1 adult: group, optional additional adult for tag zone)
Put two hoops inside the playing area. Beside the playing area, mark out a smaller “tag zone” with four cones. Give two Auskickers bibs and the others one footy each.
Auskickers in bibs are the “Sharks” and are “it”. They tag the others.
Auskickers who make it inside the hoops (“on the Islands”) are safe.
They can’t be tagged by the Sharks. But they’re only allowed on the Island for three seconds before they have to leave!
When an Auskicker is tagged, they run to the Tag Zone (the four cones) and complete a footy skill (for example, handball to themselves or complete five bounces).
Once they complete the footy skill, they can go back to the game.
It’s awesome if an adult can help Auskickers at the Tag Zone with their skills work.
Adjust the numbers of Sharks or hoops so that it works best for your group.
Also, swap the Sharks every now and then so everyone gets a go at tagging the others.
Remove a hoop so there’s only one Island, or slowly increase the number of Sharks by giving out bibs to more Auskickers.
Add new rules to the game. For example, Auskickers hop or skip about, or when someone comes out of the Tag Zone they have to swap with a Shark and become “it”.
Make sure the kids don’t tag too hard when grabbing the bibs, or tackle anyone either.
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
(1800 7529 235)
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST