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(Possibly more if playing a version using more defenders)
Auskickers gather in the playing area.
Pick a few to wear bibs to be the “defenders”. Their job is to get the ball out of the hands of the attackers who are everyone else.
Attackers have the footy and run about passing it to each other by handballing.
Defenders try to get the football for themselves, or tag an attacker who has the ball.
When they do, that’s the end. The footy goes back to the attackers for another go.
Be sure to swap the bibs around so everyone gets to defend and try to get the footy.
Start with running and handballs. Then, if you want, slowly add in more skills like kicks and running bounces.
Try a version where Auskickers can’t just pass the football right back to the person who just gave them the football.
Use the other hand or different types of balls.
See if the attackers can complete a few handballs in a row, and get up to four or five.
Kick or handball the football to a target, such as a hoop on the ground, to finish a chain of passing.
To make it a bit harder, you can try slowly handing out even more bibs, until there’s half attackers and half defenders.
Defenders must try to get the ball away from the attackers when they see a chance!
Download the Handy Hints below for more technique tips!
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